On August 4, Redalyc will give an XML JATS certification course of 4 modules, so that editors know the advantages of this tagging system, every phase of its development, the tagging modules with the available tools in Latin America (Annotum, Scielo, and Marcalyc) and how to tag a text in XML JATS. Finishing this course, the participants that request it can receive an access code so that they can use Marcalyc in the terms that will be mentioned during the sessions. In the following link you can register for the course:
The XML JATS certification course has four sessions which will be held on the following dates: August Thursday 4, Thursday 10, Thursday 18, and Thursday 25, 2016, 11 O’clock CDT. The last date for registering will be August 2. Participants that attend the four sessions will receive the correspondent certificate.
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