On August 4, the first of four sessions of the XML JATS Certification web course was carried out.
Said course had the purpose of introducing editors to the advantages of this tagging system, the phases of its development, the tagging models with the available tools in Latin America, and how to tag a text in XML JATS.
In this first session, in which 665 people of 330 institutions from 23 countries participated, Eduardo Aguado, General Director, Arianna Becerril, Director of Technology and Innovation and Salvador Chávez, Director of Documentation and Content of Redalyc, explained the aim of joining to this international standard is to empower editors and the scientific communication of the region, as well as guarantee a non-commercial Open Access, sustainable and competitive.
In this session, themes such as the new conditions of electronic communication, journals’ loss of identity, and distinctive features of continuous publication were discussed. Doctor Aguado pointed out that many electronic journals have not taken advantage of the technological advances and have just become a clone of their printed versions.
In this regard, it was indicated that migrating to XML JATS will make it possible to take full advantage of electronic publishing to position the publications, recover the beauty, efficiency, and identity of the printed journals in the digital scope.
During the session and in its final part, 376 questions were asked, which were about the following topics: are the XML JATS managed by Scielo and Redalyc compatibles?, does OJS respond to the necessities of the new publishing models?, does XML JATS allow to preserve the information?, among others. Many of the asked questions deal with technical aspects, which will be discussed in the sessions on Wednesday 10, Thursday 18, Thursday 25 of this month.
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