Redalyc’s strategy is based on the professionalization of editors, providing them with tools and knowledge for making the XML tagging a sustainable process.
Redalyc launches a new online tool for the XML JATS (Marcalyc) tagging compatible with the JATS4R recommendations, as a free of charge service for open access journals indexed by Redalyc, a tool designed for people who are not technical experts or programmers.
Editors, even authors, do not need to have advanced knowledge in programming by using this tool. The design and use of Marcalyc is friendly and intuitive.
Those who are members of Redalyc, and are part of this great project, will offer editors the necessary tools so that the editorial process is more efficient. We know that the scientific publication in our region will be the best if we work with the #RedalycEditors.
Launching is planned on September 1st. That day, Redalyc journal’s editors that have attended the four sessions of the Certification Course: The new electronic publishing model and Redalyc 3.0: XML JATS Tagging, will be allowed to use, with the necessary guide and support, the Marcalyc system.
A model, thousands of editors, multiple platforms.

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