The Latin American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO, in the voice of its Executive Secretary, Dr. Pablo Gentili, and the Academic Director, Dr. Fernanda Saforcada, have sent a warm congratulation and sincere recognition to the Redalyc team for the development of the new Marcalyc tagging tool, released, for the editors of journals indexed by the Redalyc Scientific Information System, on September 1st.
The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO for its acronym in Spanish) is an international non-governmental institution with associative status in UNESCO, created in 1967. Currently, it brings together 542 research and postgraduate centers in the field of social sciences and humanities in 41 countries of Latin America, The United States, Canada, Germany, Spain, France, and Portugal.
Marcalyc represents the present and future of regional scientific publication, making the editorial process a simpler and more intuitive activity, apart from allowing the outsourcing of the process to be left behind, reducing costs, and providing various output formats with responsive design and easy reading, such as the ePUB, HTML and intelligent viewers.
This and more is Redalyc 3.0One model, thousands of editors, multiple platforms
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