1. How to generate the index.html file of every article?

It can be generated by using Microsoft Word©, Adobe InDesign©, Adobe Illustrator© software, or any other that the journal uses to generate the final version of the articles. You can see the detailed process in section: 3. Preparation of the files for the User Manual tagging.

  1. What must the ZIP that is uploaded to the system contain? 

The ZIP must contain the final version of the article in HTML format, with UTF-8 encoding, just one article with the “index.html” name and a maximum size of 4 MB. In addition, the folder that contains the article’s images can be attached, for example, index_archivos o index_resources.

  1. What is the maximum size for the images?

1 MB.

  1. Can I upload all the images at once or one by one?

Marcalyc allows you to upload more than one image at a time to the gallery.

  1. Can I download the HTML that Marcalyc generates and use it in the OJS platform of the journal?

Yes, you can download it as any HTML file. By doing it, Marcalyc will generate the HTML document’s name and a folder with the same name. How it will be uploaded to the OJS platform will be decided by the configuration of it, which will allow you to upload files of this kind. You can also use the plug-in of exportation of the tagging products to OJS, which is activated by tagging all the articles of the number.

  1. Can the “internal link” of the citation with references be automatic, so as not to do it manually?

Yes, by using the Citation Inference Assistant, which makes the internal links in the references’ quotes, calls to notes, charts, figures, and equations. Also, the external links are made automatically in the URL addresses as long as the suitable prefix (http://, https://, among others) is used. 

  1. How long should I wait from the time in which a number is tagged completely until it is published in Redalyc with the new home page of the journal? 

The estimated time for Redalyc to make available a tagged number online is approximately 3 weeks. At this time, the Redalyc staff will review the tagging and the update of the journal’s collection in the portal. 

  1. Can the link be automatically assigned to the DOI of the article? 

If you marked a DOI code, it will appear in the intelligent viewer with the correspondent link.

  1. Why should I download XML JATS4R? What is its importance? 

The XML JATS4R format can be considered as a document of digital preservation of a scientific article. Besides, it can be sent, ensuring its compatibility with any scientific system of publication that is using the standard JATS. It can also be considered as the backup for excellence because they can last even more than a PDF document as it contains the pure text without style or format that can corrupt it, this will allow its visibility in the future by generating just one style sheet that allows this.

  1. Can the featured image of the article or any other image be an animated GIF?

Yes, is possible to upload GIF files as a featured image of the article. The only requisite is that the format must be exactly 382×100 pixels

  1. What is the Additional Information button on the <Article’s data/> for? 

It is a tag that allows the tagging of information that is not considered to be part of any other tag. For example, when information about how to quote is included, about the JEL classification of an article about economics, etc. 

  1. Can there be more than one “Additional information” in the article? 


  1. Which PDF is going to be published by Redalyc, the one that is generated by the journal or the one that is generated from the XML JATS? 

The PDF that the editor decides to publish as Marcalyc allows to upload the PDF of the journal or to generate a PDF from the tagging. Nowadays, there are 2 available templates: Riga and Upsala.

  1. For what numbers published by the journal is it mandatory to generate the XML JATS?

Redalyc asks editors to generate the XML JATS of, at least, the numbers published from 2016.From January 2018, The journals must move to the publishing model based on the XML JATS; either by tagging using Marcalyc or sending the XML JATS that the journal had published using other applications. In this last case, the requisite is that those files pass the JATS standard validation (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/tools/xmlchecker/).

  1. How many sections and subsections levels can be tagged by using Marcalyc?

There is no limit, all the section levels that the article might have can be tagged.

  1. How many affiliations can be tagged for an author?

There is no limit.

  1. Should the number to be tagged always be edited?

Only for those numbers that were already published in Redalyc. And they are edited just once when the tagging begins.

  1. Which rule of quoting should I select if the one that is used by my journal does not appear in the value list? 

The recommendation is to try with the different rules of quoting of the list so that you can find the one that is more similar in the way the author’s names and the year of every reference are presented as this allows Marcalyc to infer these data, therefore, the time for tagging is reduced. If you select the NONE option, you must separate and tag manually each of the references.

  1. Is it obligatory to use the Inferences Assistant of Marcalyc?

No. In the current version of Marcalyc the tagging can be made without using the Inference assistant. Although the recommendation is to use the assistant as the time for tagging is considerably reduced. 

  1. Does the inferences assistant for tagging the references of the article only works with APA rule?

No. The inference assistant can be used for any other quoting rule, but the inference is much better for APA rule. In future updates of this assistant, other quoting rules will be added.

  1. What should I do if I add an article to the journal more than once?

You should use the Delete option which is on the right side of the article’s title that you want to delete.

  1. Can the information inferred automatically by Marcayc be modified?

Yes, the general recommendation is to check carefully all the information inferred by Marcalyc and if there is any error, it must be corrected.

  1. Do the featured images of the articles have to be images of the article?

Not exactly, it can be any image related to the article. It is preferable that they be color images.

  1. Can other dates of the publication process be added besides the one for received and the one for accepted?

Yes, you can add as many dates as necessary by activating or selecting the Dates box and using the Date bottom which is in the Tags and Attributes Bar.

  1. When tagging a list, should I add element by element?

No. On the left side of Marcalyc, you must select the List box and on the right side you must select the full list including the identifiers of each element, whether they are numbers, bullet points, letters, among others. Marcalyc will separate each element and will identify the type of list, as always, you should verify that the tagging is correct.