A model, thousands of editors, multiple platforms.

Category Redalyc 3.0E

Redalyc 3.0 beta versión

The stable version of Redalyc 3.0 will be released in February 2017. Nowadays, the results of the tagging of scientific articles are shown through the Marcalyc free tool, launched in its first version on September 1st, 2016, and that is… Continue Reading →

August 25, 2016: 4th and last session of the Certification Course in XML JATS

The fourth and last session of the Certification Course: The new electronic publishing model and Redalyc 3.0: XML JATS tagging, held on August 25, focused on clarifying some doubts about the use of Marcalyc; to go deeper into the products… Continue Reading →

September 1, starting the change

The #Marcalyc system, Redalyc technology, will be released on Thursday, September 1 of this year, in the middle of the expectation that it has generated in the almost thousand editors of Latin American scientific journals enrolled in the Certification Course:… Continue Reading →

August 10, 2016: 2nd session of the Certification Course in XML JATS

On August 10, the second session of the Certification Course: “The new electronic publishing model and Redalyc 3.0: XML JATS Tagging” was held, this was focused on explaining what is and what is not an XML JATS and detailing its… Continue Reading →

August 4, 2016: 1st session of the Certification Course in XML JATS

On August 4, the first of four sessions of the XML JATS Certification web course was carried out. Said course had the purpose of introducing editors to the advantages of this tagging system, the phases of its development, the tagging… Continue Reading →

#Marcalyc, technology developed to empower editors of Open Access scientific journals

Redalyc’s strategy is based on the professionalization of editors, providing them with tools and knowledge for making the XML tagging a sustainable process. Redalyc launches a new online tool for the XML JATS (Marcalyc) tagging compatible with the JATS4R recommendations,… Continue Reading →

In response to the declaration of the Scientific Editors of Chile, with which the importance of the XML JATS (Journal Article Tag Suite) protocole is recognized, the Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and The Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal (Redalyc) states:

Regarding the Declaration of the Scientific Editors of Chile (see http://www.editorescientificos.cl/), with which the importance of the XML JATS (Journal Article Tag Suite) protocol is recognized, which will allow without a doubt the strengthen of editors and the regional scientific… Continue Reading →

XML JATS in Redalyc

Redalyc has started a transition and it has joined the XML JATS standard, under the JATS4R specification, a meta-tagging language with simple rules, that provides a uniform method to describe and exchange structured data. This transition will be gradual and… Continue Reading →

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