The fourth and last session of the Certification Course: The new electronic publishing model and Redalyc 3.0: XML JATS tagging, held on August 25, focused on clarifying some doubts about the use of Marcalyc; to go deeper into the products… Continue Reading →
On the third session of the Certification Course: “The new electronic publishing model and Redalyc 3.0: XML JATS tagging”, held on August 18, a detailed analysis of Marcalyc, the tagging tool generated by Redalyc, was made, so that the 675… Continue Reading →
On August 10, the second session of the Certification Course: “The new electronic publishing model and Redalyc 3.0: XML JATS Tagging” was held, this was focused on explaining what is and what is not an XML JATS and detailing its… Continue Reading →
On August 4, the first of four sessions of the XML JATS Certification web course was carried out. Said course had the purpose of introducing editors to the advantages of this tagging system, the phases of its development, the tagging… Continue Reading →
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