On November 24, the first session of the second XML JATS certification web course was carried out by Redalyc, in which Arianna Becerril, Director of Technology and Innovation and Salvador Chávez, Director of Documentation and Content of Redalyc described the precedents and basic concepts of the XML meta-language and explained the importance of its use, the structure of a JATS file, its interoperability, the order of the tagging process, the advantages of the XML JATS standard and the development of Marcalyc tools by the system of Scientific Information Redalyc.
In this session, reference was made to the products derived from the tagging of Marcalyc, namely: the intelligent viewer, a mobile viewer, the ePUB, PDF, HTML, XML JATS4r and XML SciELO formats, as well as the new home of journals in Redalyc, and the alternatives for adopting the XML JATS in said information system were detailed.
During the session and in the final part of it, the questions posed by the participants were answered, which dealt mainly with the compatibility of the XML JATS managed by SciELO and Redalyc, the interaction between OJS and XML JATS, and the citation styles that the Marcalyc tool recognizes.This session was attended by 168 people of 107 institutions from 14 countries. The course will finish tomorrow with a practice session on the use of Marcalyc.
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