A model, thousands of editors, multiple platforms.

Tag redalycE

International standards of scientific journals’ editorial quality

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The editorial criteria that scientific journals must accomplish to become part of some indexes or databases are parameters for the evaluation of the journals in terms of the scientific rigor of their processes, the transparency of their methods, and other… Continue Reading →

Editorial criteria that must be applied for the improvement in the editorial management of a scientific journal.

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The group of characteristics, qualitative or quantitative, in the publication of a scientific journal, must be regulated or normalized to value and measure the condition and situation of a journal in its institution, country, region, and worldwide.  These regulated characteristics… Continue Reading →

Frequently Asked Questions Marcalyc

How to generate the index.html file of every article? It can be generated by using Microsoft Word©, Adobe InDesign©, Adobe Illustrator© software, or any other that the journal uses to generate the final version of the articles. You can see… Continue Reading →

Continuous training to editorial teams of Redalyc journals

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One of the activities that carry out continuously in Redalyc are the face-to-face or online trainings to editors of scientific journals on the use of XML JATS Marcalyc tagging tools. During 2019, 69 online personalized trainings, 10 massive trainings were… Continue Reading →

Redalyc editors constantly trained in Marcalyc

Since its launch in September 2016, training on the Marcalyc XML JATS tagging tool has been given in a face-to-face and virtual way, to Redalyc editors who have requested their accounts to access this system. A total of 298 personalized… Continue Reading →

Marcalyc | Version 2.0.14

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Redalyc continues to improve the XML JATS tagging tool #Marcalyc, offered without charge to nearly 1,300 scientific journals it indexes. The more recent update, launched in February of this year, presents the following updates: All dates of the evaluation process… Continue Reading →

Benefits for the journal in Redalyc

It gives each article on the web more visibility.  It allows the indexing and recovery of the full text of a document. It provides the automatic generation of different output formats ((HTML, PDF, ePUB). It makes available the printout with… Continue Reading →

Redalyc joins XML JATS4R (JATS for Reuse). For Redalyc the reuse of XML JATS files is essential, both as input, for taking advantage of the XML JATS that the journal already has, and to share with other platforms those that… Continue Reading →

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