Redalyc XML JATS in R2020

A model, thousands of editors, multiple platforms.

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Second and last session of the 2nd certification course in XML JATS in Redalyc

In the second session of the Certification Course: The new electronic publishing model and Redalyc 3.0: XML JATS tagging, held on November 25, a detailed analysis of Marcalyc, the tagging tool generated by Redalyc, was carried out. This had the… Continue Reading →

Second certification course: The new electronic publication model and Redalyc 3.0: XML JATS tagging

On November 24, the first session of the second XML JATS certification web course was carried out by Redalyc, in which Arianna Becerril, Director of Technology and Innovation and Salvador Chávez, Director of Documentation and Content of Redalyc described the… Continue Reading →

Second Certification Course: The new electronic publication model and Redalyc 3.0: XML JATS Tagging

After the excellent response from the editors of Ibero-American scientific journals, attending the first certification course in XML JATS tagging, a second course is opened in order to show the transition that Redalyc is experiencing towards Redalyc 3.0, with the… Continue Reading →

New intelligent article viewer 3.0, Redalyc technology

Dear reader, have you already watched the new intelligent Article Viewer 3.0? Redalyc has developed it from the tagging process with the XML JATS publishing model. This model makes it possible to count on this and other products such as… Continue Reading →

Redalyc 3.0: A project that does not stop

If it was thought that Redalyc would stop at the novelties that it presented just in last September, the Marcalyc system, and all products that are derived from it, in addition to the transition to Redalyc 3.0, there are some… Continue Reading →

Redalyc 3.0 beta versión

The stable version of Redalyc 3.0 will be released in February 2017. Nowadays, the results of the tagging of scientific articles are shown through the Marcalyc free tool, launched in its first version on September 1st, 2016, and that is… Continue Reading →

The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) recognizes the work of Redalyc with the development of Marcalyc

The Latin American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO, in the voice of its Executive Secretary, Dr. Pablo Gentili, and the Academic Director, Dr. Fernanda Saforcada, have sent a warm congratulation and sincere recognition to the Redalyc team for the development… Continue Reading →

August 25, 2016: 4th and last session of the Certification Course in XML JATS

The fourth and last session of the Certification Course: The new electronic publishing model and Redalyc 3.0: XML JATS tagging, held on August 25, focused on clarifying some doubts about the use of Marcalyc; to go deeper into the products… Continue Reading →

Taking advantage of colors, graphics, and photographs…

In a PDF generated from the Marcalyc tagging in XML JATS, a PDF that takes advantage of original elements of text and maximizes its exposition is generated. The case of an Atmósfera’s article.

PDF derived from XML JATS

A new paradigm in the process of scientific edition: We will talk to you about it, it is already a reality. Redalyc generates the PDF of the tagging made in Marcalyc, facilitating the editor’s work and maximizing the communication speed…. Continue Reading →

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